The Place Beyond the Pines


  • Dianne M. Hunter Trinity College



“The Place Beyond the Pines” spans 15 years in a three-generational plot mobilizing the intersection of three male lines of succession and dramatizing families of three classes positioned in alternative American dreams: freedom, dominance, integration.

Author Biography

  • Dianne M. Hunter, Trinity College

    Dianne M. Hunter, Emeritus Professor of English at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, edited Seduction and Theory: Readings in Gender, Representation and Rhetoric (U. of Illinois Press, 1989) and The Makings of Dr. Charcot’s Hysteria Shows: Research Through Performance (E. Mellen Press, 1998). She has published essays on hysteria, seduction, psychoanalytic and feminist theory, Juliet Mitchell, Virginia Woolf, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Adrienne Rich, Bertha Pappenheim, LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka, Toni Dove, and Carolee Schneemann. She currently works on contemporary novels about researching family history.


Glicksman, E. D. (Producer) & Anger, K. (Director) (1963). Scorpio rising [Motion Picture]. United States: Puck Film Productions.

Brisbee, G. (2015, October 12). Here’s everything that happened in the historically Bizarre 7th inning of the Blue Jays-Rangers Game 5. Retrieved from

Kimmel, S. (Producer) & Cianfrance, D. (Director) (2012). The place beyond the pines [Motion picture]. United States: Sidney Kimmel Entertainment.

Fiedler, L. (1960). Love and death in the American novel. New York, NY: Stein and Day.

Lawrence, D. H. (1923). Studies in classic American literature. New York, NY: Thomas Seltzer.

Perez-Pena, R. (2015, April 8). Fatal police shootings: Accounts since Ferguson. Retrieved from




Film Reviews

How to Cite

The Place Beyond the Pines. (2016). Language and Psychoanalysis, 5(1), 33-44.