Coverage by Scopus
'Language and Psychoanalysis' has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus. A very big 'thank you' and 'a round of applause' to all the authors and peer reviewers for their top-quality efforts and contributions to the journal over the years.
For your information, the reviewer comments are copied below:
+ The journal has scholarly relevance as evidenced by citations in other journals currently covered by Scopus.
+ In general, the content of the articles is consistent with the scope and aims of the journal.
+ The articles are consistently of high academic quality, consistent with the journal’s stated aims.
+ Although the scope of this journal is narrow, it addresses the need of an important niche audience.
+ The journal has clear aims and scope/journal policies that are consistent with the journal’s content.
+ Peer review type is clearly stated and is supported by appropriate reviewer guidelines.