About the Journal

Founded in 1984, the Review of Scottish Culture (ROSC) is an international, fully peer-reviewed journal. It is hosted by the European Ethnological Research Centre at the University of Edinburgh (EERC) and published by the University of Edinburgh. 

The journal encourages multi and interdisciplinary research with a focus on the ethnology of Scotland, tangible and intangible heritage. It welcomes submissions considering the culture of Scotland – both as it is expressed today and as it connects to the past and future. These could include considerations of: 

  • Theory and methodology, including new approaches to ethnology; ethnicity and identity; cultural comparisons; migration; contested and at-risk heritage; public and private performance 
  • Material culture, and the culture of making 
  • Narrative and narratology: written, spoken and sung
  • Music and song in text and performance
  • Foodways and food culture 
  • Custom and belief, continuity and change 
  • Visual culture, including photography and film 
  • Audio and online ethnology including social media 
  • Exhibition, interpretation andtourism as it relates to ethnology