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Members of the solute carrier family 6 (SLC6) of sodium- and (sometimes chloride-) dependent neurotransmitter transporters [1-3,5] are primarily plasma membrane located and may be divided into four subfamilies that transport monoamines, GABA, glycine and neutral amino acids, plus the related bacterial NSS transporters [6]. The members of this superfamily share a structural motif of 10 TM segments that has been observed in crystal structures of the NSS bacterial homolog LeuTAa, a Na+-dependent amino acid transporter from Aquiflex aeolicus [7] and in several other transporter families structurally related to LeuT [4].
* Key recommended reading is highlighted with an asterisk
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Chen NH, Reith ME, Quick MW. (2004) Synaptic uptake and beyond: the sodium- and chloride-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family SLC6. Pflugers Arch, 447 (5): 519-31. [PMID:12719981]
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1. Alexander SPH, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL et al.. (2019) THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Transporters. Br J Pharmacol, 176 Suppl 1: S397-S493. [PMID:31710713]
2. Bröer S. (2006) The SLC6 orphans are forming a family of amino acid transporters. Neurochem Int, 48 (6-7): 559-67. [PMID:16540203]
3. Chen NH, Reith ME, Quick MW. (2004) Synaptic uptake and beyond: the sodium- and chloride-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family SLC6. Pflugers Arch, 447 (5): 519-31. [PMID:12719981]
4. Forrest LR, Rudnick G. (2009) The rocking bundle: a mechanism for ion-coupled solute flux by symmetrical transporters. Physiology (Bethesda), 24: 377-86. [PMID:19996368]
5. Kristensen AS, Andersen J, Jørgensen TN, Sørensen L, Eriksen J, Loland CJ, Strømgaard K, Gether U. (2011) SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters: structure, function, and regulation. Pharmacol Rev, 63 (3): 585-640. [PMID:21752877]
6. Saier MH, Yen MR, Noto K, Tamang DG, Elkan C. (2009) The Transporter Classification Database: recent advances. Nucleic Acids Res, 37 (Database issue): D274-8. [PMID:19022853]
7. Yamashita A, Singh SK, Kawate T, Jin Y, Gouaux E. (2005) Crystal structure of a bacterial homologue of Na+/Cl--dependent neurotransmitter transporters. Nature, 437 (7056): 215-23. [PMID:16041361]
Database page citation (select format):
Bröer S, Rudnick G. SLC6 neurotransmitter transporter family (version 2023.1) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE. 2023; 2023(1). Available from:
Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY citation:
Alexander SPH, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA; CGTP Collaborators. (2019) The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: Transporters. Br J Pharmacol. 176 Issue S1: S397-S493.
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