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Ca2+ channels are voltage-gated ion channels present in the membrane of most excitable cells. The nomenclature for Ca2+channels was proposed by [9] and approved by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Ca2+ channels [6]. Most Ca2+ channels form hetero-oligomeric complexes. The α1 subunit is pore-forming and provides the binding site(s) for practically all agonists and antagonists. The 10 cloned α1-subunits can be grouped into three families: (1) the high-voltage activated dihydropyridine-sensitive (L-type, CaV1.x) channels; (2) the high- to moderate-voltage activated dihydropyridine-insensitive (CaV2.x) channels and (3) the low-voltage-activated (T-type, CaV3.x) channels. Each α1 subunit has four homologous repeats (I-IV), each repeat having six transmembrane domains (S1-S6) and a pore-forming region between S5 and S6. Voltage-dependent gating is driven by the membrane spanning S4 segment, which contains highly conserved positive charges that respond to changes in membrane potential. All of the α1-subunit genes give rise to alternatively spliced products. At least for high-voltage activated channels, it is likely that native channels comprise co-assemblies of α1, β and α2-δ subunits. The γ subunits have not been proven to associate with channels other than the α1s skeletal muscle Cav1.1 channel. The α2-δ1 and α2-δ2 subunits bind gabapentin and pregabalin.
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* Key recommended reading is highlighted with an asterisk
Bauer CS, Tran-Van-Minh A, Kadurin I, Dolphin AC. (2010) A new look at calcium channel α2δ subunits. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 20 (5): 563-71. [PMID:20579869]
Belardetti F, Zamponi GW. (2008) Linking calcium-channel isoforms to potential therapies. Curr Opin Investig Drugs, 9 (7): 707-15. [PMID:18600576]
Buraei Z, Yang J. (2010) The ß subunit of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Physiol Rev, 90 (4): 1461-506. [PMID:20959621]
Catterall WA. (2000) Structure and regulation of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol, 16: 521-55. [PMID:11031246]
Catterall WA. (2011) Voltage-gated calcium channels. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, 3 (8): a003947. [PMID:21746798]
Catterall WA, Dib-Hajj S, Meisler MH, Pietrobon D. (2008) Inherited neuronal ion channelopathies: new windows on complex neurological diseases. J Neurosci, 28 (46): 11768-77. [PMID:19005038]
* Catterall WA, Perez-Reyes E, Snutch TP, Striessnig J. (2005) International Union of Pharmacology. XLVIII. Nomenclature and structure-function relationships of voltage-gated calcium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 57 (4): 411-25. [PMID:16382099]
* Catterall WA, Swanson TM. (2015) Structural basis for pharmacology of voltage-gated sodium and calcium channels. Mol Pharmacol, 88 (1): 141-50. [PMID:25848093]
* Catterall WA, Zheng N. (2015) Deciphering voltage-gated Na(+) and Ca(2+) channels by studying prokaryotic ancestors. Trends Biochem Sci, 40 (9): 526-34. [PMID:26254514]
Davies A, Hendrich J, Van Minh AT, Wratten J, Douglas L, Dolphin AC. (2007) Functional biology of the alpha(2)delta subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 28 (5): 220-8. [PMID:17403543]
Dolphin AC. (2003) G protein modulation of voltage-gated calcium channels. Pharmacol Rev, 55 (4): 607-27. [PMID:14657419]
Dolphin AC. (2009) Calcium channel diversity: multiple roles of calcium channel subunits. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 19 (3): 237-44. [PMID:19559597]
Dolphin AC. (2016) Voltage-gated calcium channels and their auxiliary subunits: physiology and pathophysiology and pharmacology. J Physiol (Lond.), 594 (19): 5369-90. [PMID:27273705]
* Dolphin AC. (2018) Voltage-gated calcium channels: their discovery, function and importance as drug targets. Brain Neurosci Adv, 2. DOI: 10.1177/2398212818794805 [PMID:30320224]
Elmslie KS. (2004) Calcium channel blockers in the treatment of disease. J Neurosci Res, 75 (6): 733-41. [PMID:14994334]
Ertel EA, Campbell KP, Harpold MM, Hofmann F, Mori Y, Perez-Reyes E, Schwartz A, Snutch TP, Tanabe T, Birnbaumer L, Tsien RW, Catterall WA. (2000) Nomenclature of voltage-gated calcium channels. Neuron, 25 (3): 533-5. [PMID:10774722]
* Flucher BE, Tuluc P. (2017) How and why are calcium currents curtailed in the skeletal muscle voltage-gated calcium channels?. J Physiol (Lond.), 595 (5): 1451-1463. [PMID:27896815]
Gao L. (2010) An update on peptide drugs for voltage-gated calcium channels. Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov, 5 (1): 14-22. [PMID:19751208]
Han TS, Teichert RW, Olivera BM, Bulaj G. (2008) Conus venoms - a rich source of peptide-based therapeutics. Curr Pharm Des, 14 (24): 2462-79. [PMID:18781995]
Hofmann F, Lacinová L, Klugbauer N. (1999) Voltage-dependent calcium channels: from structure to function. Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol, 139: 33-87. [PMID:10453692]
* Huang J, Zamponi GW. (2017) Regulation of voltage gated calcium channels by GPCRs and post-translational modification. Curr Opin Pharmacol, 32: 1-8. [PMID:27768908]
Kochegarov AA. (2003) Pharmacological modulators of voltage-gated calcium channels and their therapeutical application. Cell Calcium, 33 (3): 145-62. [PMID:12600802]
Lewis RJ, Garcia ML. (2003) Therapeutic potential of venom peptides. Nat Rev Drug Discov, 2 (10): 790-802. [PMID:14526382]
Lory P, Chemin J. (2007) Towards the discovery of novel T-type calcium channel blockers. Expert Opin Ther Targets, 11 (5): 717-22. [PMID:17465728]
* Nanou E, Catterall WA. (2018) Calcium Channels, Synaptic Plasticity, and Neuropsychiatric Disease. Neuron, 98 (3): 466-481. [PMID:29723500]
Nelson MT, Todorovic SM, Perez-Reyes E. (2006) The role of T-type calcium channels in epilepsy and pain. Curr Pharm Des, 12 (18): 2189-97. [PMID:16787249]
* Ortner NJ, Striessnig J. (2016) L-type calcium channels as drug targets in CNS disorders. Channels (Austin), 10 (1): 7-13. [PMID:26039257]
Perez-Reyes E. (2003) Molecular physiology of low-voltage-activated t-type calcium channels. Physiol Rev, 83 (1): 117-61. [PMID:12506128]
Pexton T, Moeller-Bertram T, Schilling JM, Wallace MS. (2011) Targeting voltage-gated calcium channels for the treatment of neuropathic pain: a review of drug development. Expert Opin Investig Drugs, 20 (9): 1277-84. [PMID:21740292]
* Rougier JS, Abriel H. (2016) Cardiac voltage-gated calcium channel macromolecular complexes. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1863 (7 Pt B): 1806-12. [PMID:26707467]
Taylor CP, Angelotti T, Fauman E. (2007) Pharmacology and mechanism of action of pregabalin: the calcium channel alpha2-delta (alpha2-delta) subunit as a target for antiepileptic drug discovery. Epilepsy Res, 73 (2): 137-50. [PMID:17126531]
Terlau H, Olivera BM. (2004) Conus venoms: a rich source of novel ion channel-targeted peptides. Physiol Rev, 84 (1): 41-68. [PMID:14715910]
Triggle DJ. (2006) L-type calcium channels. Curr Pharm Des, 12 (4): 443-57. [PMID:16472138]
Triggle DJ. (2007) Calcium channel antagonists: clinical uses--past, present and future. Biochem Pharmacol, 74 (1): 1-9. [PMID:17276408]
Trimmer JS, Rhodes KJ. (2004) Localization of voltage-gated ion channels in mammalian brain. Annu Rev Physiol, 66: 477-519. [PMID:14977411]
Williams JA, Day M, Heavner JE. (2008) Ziconotide: an update and review. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 9 (9): 1575-83. [PMID:18518786]
Yamamoto T, Takahara A. (2009) Recent updates of N-type calcium channel blockers with therapeutic potential for neuropathic pain and stroke. Curr Top Med Chem, 9 (4): 377-95. [PMID:19442208]
Yu FH, Catterall WA. (2004) The VGL-chanome: a protein superfamily specialized for electrical signaling and ionic homeostasis. Sci STKE, 2004 (253): re15. [PMID:15467096]
* Zamponi GW. (2016) Targeting voltage-gated calcium channels in neurological and psychiatric diseases. Nat Rev Drug Discov, 15 (1): 19-34. [PMID:26542451]
Zamponi GW, Lewis RJ, Todorovic SM, Arneric SP, Snutch TP. (2009) Role of voltage-gated calcium channels in ascending pain pathways. Brain Res Rev, 60 (1): 84-9. [PMID:19162069]
* Zamponi GW, Striessnig J, Koschak A, Dolphin AC. (2015) The Physiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels and Their Future Therapeutic Potential. Pharmacol Rev, 67 (4): 821-70. [PMID:26362469]
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Subcommittee members:
Jörg Striessnig (Chairperson)
William A. Catterall
Edward Perez-Reyes
Terrance P. Snutch |
Database page citation (select format):
Catterall WA, Perez-Reyes E, Snutch TP, Striessnig J. Voltage-gated calcium channels (CaV) in GtoPdb v.2023.1. IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE. 2023; 2023(1). Available from:
Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY citation:
Alexander SPH, Mathie AA, Peters JA, Veale EL, Striessnig J, Kelly E, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Davies JA et al. (2023) The Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY 2023/24: Ion channels. Br J Pharmacol. 180 Suppl 2:S145-S222.
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