Histamine receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1


  • Paul Chazot Durham University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5453-0379
  • Marlon Cowart Abbott Laboratories
  • Hiroyuki Fukui University of Tokushima
  • C. Robin Ganellin University College London
  • Ralf Gutzmer Hannover Medical School
  • Helmut L. Haas Heinrich Heine University
  • Stephen J. Hill University of Nottingham
  • Rebecca Hills University of Edinburgh
  • Rob Leurs Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Roberto Levi Cornell University
  • Steve Liu Pfizer
  • Pertti Panula University of Helsinki
  • Walter Schunack Freie Universitat Berlin
  • Jean-Charles Schwartz INSERM
  • Roland Seifert Medical School of Hannover
  • Nigel P. Shankley Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development
  • Holger Stark Goethe University
  • Robin Thurmond Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development
  • Henk Timmerman Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • J. Michael Young University of Cambridge




Histamine receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Histamine Receptors [80, 174]) are activated by the endogenous ligand histamine. Marked species differences exist between histamine receptor orthologues [80]. The human and rat H3 receptor genes are subject to significant splice variance [12]. The potency order of histamine at histamine receptor subtypes is H3 = H4 > H2 > H1 [174]. Some agonists at the human H3 receptor display significant ligand bias [183]. Antagonists of all 4 histamine receptors have clinical uses: H1 antagonists for allergies (e.g. cetirizine), H2 antagonists for acid-reflux diseases (e.g. ranitidine), H3 antagonists for narcolepsy (e.g. pitolisant/WAKIX; Registered) and H4 antagonists for atopic dermatitis (e.g. adriforant; Phase IIa) [174] and vestibular neuritis (AUV) (SENS-111 (Seliforant, previously UR-63325), entered and completed vestibular neuritis (AUV) Phase IIa efficacy and safety trials, respectively) [217, 8].






How to Cite

“Histamine receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1” (2023) IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE, 2023(1). doi:10.2218/gtopdb/F33/2023.1.