View No. 04 (2007): Camp!

From ballet dancers to toilet humour, Pink Flamingos to Douglas Sirk, summer camp to Mick Jagger...

The spring 2007 issue of FORUM engages with the topic of Camp!

Divine in John Waters's Pink Flamingos, 1972

Covering a wide variety of media, the articles consider representations of camp, as well as exploring the potential of camp as a critical interpretative strategy. The edition opens with the classic camp of Carry On films, before moving on to an analysis of the politics of straight camp in hard rock. Personal anecdote is interwoven with a re-examination of Susan Sontag's "Notes on 'Camp'" in our third article, followed by a consideration of the restorative potential of camp in a short story about a man living with HIV. The issue closes with a look at the classic melodrama of Douglas Sirk, interpreting his use of colour within a camp register.

Editors: Clare Bielby & Sally Henderson

Published: 05-Jun-2007