Retrospect 225th Session

  • The Editor


The Society has enjoyed another successful session. Of particular note were the Presidents’ Annual Dinner and the launching of the Appeal Fund. At the Dinner, which was held in the Hall of the Royal College of Surgeons, and is said to have been quite a remarkable success, the Guest of Honour was Sir Derrick Dunlop.


At the Presidents’ Annual Dinner, Sir Derrick took the opportunity in his speech to launch the Appeal on behalf of the Society. Since then, an attempt has been made to send copies of the Appeal to all male Edinburgh graduates in Medicine. Since we shall be obliged eventually to leave our present Hall— in the face of threatened compulsory purchase by the Midlothian County Council—an adequate response is imperative to enable the Society to build a New Hall on the site reserved for us by the University. In fact, the response to the Appeal is already encouraging.

How to Cite
Editor, T. (1). Retrospect 225th Session. Res Medica, 3(2).