Anti-emetics in Pregnancy and Travel Sickness

  • R F Rintoul


The widespread use of anti-emetics is gradually increasing in this age of so-called social improvement and generalised travel. Their use is, however, more restricted than that of tranquillisers in the New World. Nowadays, we are much more drug conscious than half a century ago, but whether this is due to ourselves or to the ingenuity of our pharmacological experts in producing new drugs, it is hard to decide. There can be little doubt, however, that many factors in our modern existence are to be blamed, in some part at least for the increased incidence of vomiting in pregnancy, and also of motion sickness as a whole. As yet, the precise aetiological factors in vomiting of pregnancy have not been elucidated, but it will be useful in discussing therapy to have a knowledge of how the two abovementioned conditions are brought about.

How to Cite
Rintoul, R. (1). Anti-emetics in Pregnancy and Travel Sickness. Res Medica, 2(2).