Brain Mechanisms and Social Problems

  • W Ritchie Russell


Knowledge with regard to the Central Nervous System (C.N.S.) is increasing so quickly that it is difficult to adjust one's ideas to the ever-changing scene. When we turn for help to the ideas of great thinkers in the past, it becomes apparent that these are now of limited importance for the simple reason that they were building castles with bricks which are now known to be inadequate. It seems desirable therefore that we should from time to time stand back and view the whole problem of how we use our brains or of how our brains use us.

The neurologist is constantly studying the effect of lesions of the C.N.S. on functions and behaviour, so that he is forced to consider the physiological mechanisms involved.

How to Cite
Russell, W. (1). Brain Mechanisms and Social Problems. Res Medica, 2(2).